Source code for espatools.meta

"""This module holds classes that contian the metadata information for a
``raster`` data object.

__all__ = [

import properties
import numpy as np
import collections



[docs]class Lum(properties.HasProperties): gain = properties.Float('The gain') bias = properties.Float('The bias')
[docs]class ThermalConst(properties.HasProperties): k1 = properties.Float('K1') k2 = properties.Float('K2')
[docs]class PixelSize(properties.HasProperties): x = properties.Float('The X size of the pixel') y = properties.Float('The Y size of the pixel') units = properties.String('The pixel size units')
[docs]class ValidRange(properties.HasProperties): min = properties.Float('Minimum of valid range') max = properties.Float('Maximum of valid range')
[docs]class WRS(properties.HasProperties): system = properties.Integer('The system type') path = properties.Integer('The WRS path') row = properties.Integer('The WRS row')
[docs]class Corner(properties.HasProperties): location = properties.String('The location') latitude = properties.Float('The latitude', min=-90.0, max=90.0) longitude = properties.Float('The longitude', min=-180.0, max=180.0)
[docs]class CornerPoint(properties.HasProperties): location = properties.String('The location') x = properties.Float('The X value') y = properties.Float('The Y value')
[docs]class BoundingCoordinates(properties.HasProperties): west = properties.Float('West line') east = properties.Float('East line') north = properties.Float('North line') south = properties.Float('South line')
[docs]class Projection(properties.HasProperties): projection = properties.String('The coordinate projection') datum = properties.String('The projection datum') units = properties.String('The projection units') corner_point = properties.List('The corner points', prop=CornerPoint) grid_origin = properties.String('The grid origin') utm_proj_params = properties.Dictionary('The UTM projection parameters', required=False) ps_proj_params = properties.Dictionary('The PS projection parameters', required=False) albers_proj_params = properties.Dictionary('The Albers projection parameters', required=False) sin_proj_params = properties.Dictionary('The Sin projection parameters', required=False)
[docs]class SolarAngle(properties.HasProperties): zenith = properties.Float('The zenith') azimuth = properties.Float('The azimuth') units = properties.String('The units')
[docs]class RasterMetaData(properties.HasProperties): """An object to contain all the information for a single swath. """ # # Metadata data_provider = properties.String('The data provider') satellite = properties.String('The satellite from which data was aquired') instrument = properties.String('The instrument on the satellite') acquisition_date = properties.String('The date of acquisition', required=False) scene_center_time = properties.String('Center time', required=False) level1_production_date = properties.String('Production date', required=False) solar_angles = properties.Instance('The solar angles', SolarAngle, required=False) earth_sun_distance = properties.Float('The earth-sun distance', required=False) product_id = properties.String('Data product ID', required=False) lpgs_metadata_file = properties.String('metadata file', required=False) wrs = properties.Instance('WRS', WRS, required=False) # TODO modis = properties.Instance('Modis', Modis, required=False) corner = properties.List('The corner points', prop=Corner) # Spatial Reference bounding_coordinates = properties.Instance('The bounding coordinates', BoundingCoordinates) projection_information = properties.Instance('The projection', Projection) orientation_angle = properties.Float('The orientation angle', min=-360.0, max=360.0)